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1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
01:2007: Genesis - Gospel Beginnings (2007) (William Philip)
01:2009: Genesis - Hope for a Hopeless World (Bob Fyall)
01:2018: Genesis - Know the truth. (Philip Copeland)
01:2018: Genesis - The faith of our father (Philip Copeland)
01:2022: Genesis - Gospel Beginnings (2022) (William Philip)
02:2008: Exodus - Be not afraid! (William Philip)
03:2008: Leviticus - Too Hot to Handle (Bob Fyall)
03:2022: Leviticus - Living at One with the Lord of Life (Stephen Ballingall)
04:2014: Numbers - Good Start But...! (Paul Brennan)
04:2017: Numbers - In the Wilderness (Edward Lobb)
05:2008: Deuteronomy - Flee Idolatory - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (William Philip)
05:2010: Deuteronomy - Flee Idolatry! (William Philip)
05:2017: Deuteronomy - Living in (Amazing) Graceland (William Philip)
06:2014: Joshua - Joshua: Covenant and Conquest (Josh Johnston)
06:2016: Joshua - Great is Thy Faithfulness (Paul Brennan)
07:2014: Judges - The Nation Without a King (Edward Lobb)
08:2005: Ruth - A Surprising Welcome into God's family (Alex Bedford)
08:2016: Ruth - There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (Bob Fyall)
08:2019: Ruth - The Gospel According to Ruth (Philip Copeland)
08:2022: Ruth - Jesus Chooses His Ancestors (Jon Gemmell)
09/10:2011: 1&2 Samuel - God's Flawed but Faithful Servant (Bob Fyall)
09:2006: 1 Samuel - 1 Samuel (Bob Fyall)
09:2006: 1 Samuel - Never Underestimate the God of the Bible (William Philip)
09:2018: 1 Samuel - Raiders of the Lost Ark: (William Philip)
09:2019: 1 Samuel - The Rocky Road to Kingship (Andy Ritson)
09:2019: 1 Samuel - Towards a Turnaround (Andy Ritson)
10:2008: 2 Samuel - David: Flawed but Faithful (Bob Fyall)
11:2008: 1 Kings - Faithful God - Fickle People (Bob Fyall)
11:2008: 1 Kings - Faithful God - Fickle People (Dr Bob Fyall)
11:2009: 1 Kings - Elijah - God's Messenger for Difficult Times (Bob Fyall)
11:2009: 1 Kings - Elisha - God Carries On His Work (Bob Fyall)
11:2014: 1 Kings - Men Behaving Badly (Andy Gemmill)
11:2022: 1 Kings 1-11 - Glimpse of Glory
11:2023: 1 & 2 Kings - Dismal Kings in the Divided Kingdom. (Philip Copeland)
12:2009: 2 Kings - Elijah - God's Messenger for Difficult Times (Bob Fyall)
12:2009: 2 Kings - Elisha - God Carries On His Work (Bob Fyall)
12:2014: 2 Kings - Salvation Belongs to the LORD (Andy Gemmill)
13:2018: 1 Chronicles - Our Covenant God (William Philip)
14:2014: 2 Chronicles - Chronicles of a Forgotten Hero (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
14:2019: 2 Chronicles - Roadmap to Blessing (Josh Johnston)
15:2016: Ezra - Ezra, Teacher of the Words of God (Edward Lobb)
15:2024 Ezra - Building for Eternity (Paul Brennan)
16:2009: Nehemiah - The Old Testament in under an Hour (Euan Dodds)
16:2016: Nehemiah - Battling Builders for the Kingdom of God (William Philip)
16:2025:Nehemiah - Building for Eternity (Paul Brennan)
17:2018: Esther - The Hidden Empire Strikes Back (Paul Brennan)
18:2006: Job - Towards an understanding of Christian suffering (Edward Lobb)
18:2021: Job - Job: A Merciful Lord (Philip Copeland)
19:2004: Psalms - Psalms: Theology in the Raw (William Philip)
19:2007: Psalms - Read your Bible (Edward Lobb)
19:2008: Psalms - God is Great and God is Good (Bob Fyall)
19:2008: Psalms - Safe only in the City of God (William Philip)
19:2008: Psalms - The God we cannot Escape (Bob Fyall)
19:2009: Psalms - The Forerunner of Christ (Edward Lobb)
19:2009: Psalms - Under the Shepherd's Rule (Edward Lobb)
19:2010: Psalms - Songs for Climbers (Bob Fyall)
19:2010: Psalms - The Real Christian Life (William Philip)
19:2011: Psalms - The God who is in control (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Encouraging Songs for Discouraging Times (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Praising His Name (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Rebel Songs: The Sons of Korah (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
19:2013: Psalms - Past, Present and Future (Edward Lobb)
19:2013: Psalms - Songs of God's People (William Philip)
19:2014: Psalms - Happiness, Faith and Restoration (Paul Brennan)
19:2014: Psalms - The God of our Salvation (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - God of Grace and Holiness (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - Songs for All Seasons (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - Songs on the Road (Edward Lobb)
19:2015: Psalms - The Truth about .... (William Philip)
19:2016: Psalms - Praise in the End (Bob Fyall)
19:2016: Psalms - Under the Shepherd's Rule (Edward Lobb)
19:2018: Psalms - Real Faith in the Present World (Paul Brennan)
19:2018: Psalms - Songs of David (Edward Lobb)
19:2018: Psalms - The Bittersweet Songs of Israel (Edward Lobb)
19:2019: Psalms - Real Christianity (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - Safety and Security (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - The Key to Life (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - The Whole Heart and the Hesitant Heart (Edward Lobb)
19:2022: Psalms - Songs for the Lord's Servants (Philip Copeland)
19:2024: Psalms - In the Waiting Room (Andrew Whitmarsh)
20:2010: Proverbs - The Wisdom of Solomon (Edward Lobb)
20:2011: Proverbs - The Words of the Wise are like Goads (Edward Lobb)
20:2020: Proverbs - Get Wisdom for Life (Paul Brennan)
20:2021: Proverbs - Themes for Life in Proverbs (Paul Brennan)
21:2007: Ecclesiastes - Baffled, Believing & Blessed (William Philip)
21:2011: Ecclesiastes - Finding Joy on Life's Journey (William Philip)
21:2018: Ecclesiastes - Shining-faced Faith (William Philip)
21:2021: Ecclesiastes - Venturesome Joy on Life's Vexed Journey (William Philip)
23:2008: Isaiah - God is calling us (Bob Fyall)
23:2008: Isaiah - Is Our God Big Enough? (Bob Fyall)
23:2008: Isaiah - The Servant Whose Death Destroys Death (Bob Fyall)
23:2010: Isaiah - A new kind of politics (Bob Fyall)
23:2010: Isaiah - Seeing the world as God sees it (Bob Fyall)
23:2013: Isaiah - A Tale of Two Vineyards (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
23:2014: Isaiah - God's Kingdom will Come (Bob Fyall)
23:2016: Isaiah - Zion's Fall and Rise (Bob Fyall)
23:2019: Isaiah - Behold Your God! (Philip Copeland)
24:2012: Jeremiah - Jeremiah, the prophet of the costly new covenant (Bob Fyall)
25:2011: Lamentations - A New Year's Lament (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
26:2011: Ezekiel - Unrequited love: A tragedy in four acts (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
26:2023: Ezekiel - The Nations Will Know That I Am the Lord-God’s Glory Revealed in Judgment, and Hope (William Philip)
27:2006: Daniel - Winds of War (William Philip)
27:2018: Daniel - Three Kings Confronted (Paul Brennan)
27:2019: Daniel - A Tale of Two Cities (Paul Brennan)
27:2019: Daniel - Behind the Curtain of the World (David Ely)
27:2022: Daniel - God Reigns (Paul Brennan)
28:2015: Hosea - God's Casual Lovers (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
29:2018: Joel - A Listened-To Message! (Sam Parkinson)
29:2021: Joel - A Message for All Generations (David Ely)
30:2015: Amos - The Roaring of the Lion (Edward Lobb)
32:2008: Jonah - Learning the Hard Way (Edward Lobb)
32:2014: Jonah - Right to be Angry? (Andy Gemmill)
32:2014: Jonah - Salvation Belongs to the LORD (Andy Gemmill)
32:2017: Jonah - Lessons to be Learnt (Sundays) (Andy Ritson)
32:2017: Jonah - Lessons to be Learnt (Wednesdays) (Andy Ritson)
33:2008: Micah - Prophets Foretold Him (Dr Bob Fyall)
33:2020: Micah - The Covenant God and His Covenant Breaking People (Stephen Ballingall)
34:2023: Nahum - Comfort in God's Judgement (Josh Johnston)
35:2007: Habakkuk - Is God Still in Control? (Bob Fyall)
35:2018: Habakkuk - The Way of the Righteous (Philip Copeland)
36:2007: Zephaniah - God will be God and the world will know it (Bob Fyall)
37:2016: Haggai - Building for God's Glory (Terry McCutcheon)
37:2018: Haggai - The Temple of Greater Glory (Josh Johnston)
39:2008: Malachi - Prophets Foretold Him (Bob Fyall)
39:2009: Malachi - Malachi: The People who have Grown Tired of God (Edward Lobb)
39:2017: Malachi - Living God's Love (Paul Brennan)
40:2004: Matthew - The Gospel of the King (William Philip)
40:2005: Matthew - Two Parables (Alex Bedford)
40:2005: Matthew - What Kind of Birth is this (William Philip)
40:2006: Matthew - The Gospel of the King (William Philip)
40:2008: Matthew - There's No-one like Jesus (Edward Lobb)
40:2012: Matthew - Missionary Ambassadors of Christ (William Philip)
40:2014: Matthew - The Subversive Kingdom (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
40:2015: Matthew - Christ's Radical Kingdom (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The Kingdom Advances (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The King's Suffering and Glory (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The Revolutionary Kingdom of Christ (William Philip)
40:2016: Matthew - Why bother with Jesus this Christmas? (Paul Brennan)
40:2017: Matthew - The Kingdom Advancing (Bob Fyall)
40:2017: Matthew - Three Women Who Saved Christmas (Paul Brennan)
40:2017: Matthew - Who is Jesus? (Philip Copeland)
40:2018: Matthew - God's Kingdom (Andy Ritson)
40:2019: Matthew - The Passion of Christ (William Philip)
40:2019: Matthew - Who is Jesus? (Philip Copeland)
40:2020: Matthew - The Transforming Joy of Jesus the King (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Jesus is Lord of All (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Real Kingdom Witness: (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - The Way That Divides (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Understanding Jesus and His Household (William Philip)
40:2022: Matthew - Jesus is Judge of All: Preparing for Judgment (William Philip)
41:2006: Mark - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
41:2011: Mark - Mark: The Son of God (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2011: Mark - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
41:2012: Mark - Mark 3: The Shape of Things to Come (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
41:2012: Mark - The Heart of the Matter (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2015: Mark - Preparing for the Cross (Paul Brennan)
41:2015: Mark - The Message of the Cross (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2017: Mark - What did Jesus come to do? (Josh Johnston)
41:2018: Mark - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
42:2007: Luke - The Reasons for Christmas (Edward Lobb)
42:2008: Luke - Joy to the World: (William Philip)
42:2009: Luke - The First Christmas (Dr Euan Dodds)
42:2009: Luke - The First Christmas (Euan Dodds)
42:2009: Luke - Why did Jesus come? (Edward Lobb)
42:2010: Luke - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
42:2011: Luke - What must I do to inherit eternal life? (Euan Dodds)
42:2012: Luke - A Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord (Bob Fyall)
42:2012: Luke - Storming the citadel (Edward Lobb)
42:2012: Luke - Warnings on the Way (Andy Gemmill)
42:2013: Luke - Preparing the Way of the Lord (Bob Fyall)
42:2013: Luke - Songs for the Coming Saviour (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
42:2013: Luke - The Saviour's Kingdom Grows (Bob Fyall)
42:2014: Luke - Our Certain Salvation (William Philip)
42:2015: Luke - The Faith That Saves (William Philip)
42:2018: Luke - Christmas According to Dr Luke: (Paul Brennan)
42:2019: Luke - Are you preparing for Eternity? (William Philip)
42:2019: Luke - The Gospel for Everyone (Sam Parkinson)
42:2023 Luke - Salvation Enters the World Stage (Josh Johnston)
43:2004: John - The Challenge of a Heart Response To God (William Philip)
43:2006: John - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
43:2006: John - Light shines in Darkness (William Philip)
43:2007: John - The High Priestly Prayer (Edward Lobb)
43:2007: John - The Reasons for Christmas (Edward Lobb)
43:2009: John - Why did Jesus come? (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - How to be a persevering Christian (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - Jesus equips His Troops (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - The Saviour (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - The Work of the Holy Spirit (Edward Lobb)
43:2011: John - John: The Crisis Approaches (Edward Lobb)
43:2011: John - John: The Death of the Son of God (Edward Lobb)
43:2012: John - Reasons for Believing (Edward Lobb)
43:2012: John - The Amazing Son (Andy Gemmill)
43:2013: John - The Glory of the Cross (William Philip)
43:2014: John - The Death of Jesus (Edward Lobb)
43:2016: John - Encounters with Jesus (Andy Ritson)
43:2016: John - The Lord's Prayer (Richard Gamble)
43:2018: John - Real Christianity (Sam Parkinson)
43:2018: John - The Truth Behind the Facts (Edward Lobb)
43:2019: John - Preparing the Church for Mission (Philip Copeland)
43:2019: John - The Crisis Approaches (Edward Lobb)
43:2019: John - The Gospel of John - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (Multiple)
43:2021: John - The Way to Eternal Life (Edward Lobb)
43:2023: John - The I AM Sayings (Edward Lobb)
44:2006: Acts - The Pattern of an Apostolic Church (William Philip)
44:2006: Acts - The Pentecostal Church (Edward Lobb)
44:2007: Acts - Can we know the Unknown God? (Bob Fyall)
44:2008: Acts - The Certain, Unstoppable Kingdom of Jesus (William Philip)
44:2009: Acts - Paul at Athens (Edward Lobb)
44:2012: Acts - Pentecost (Alex Bedford)
44:2012: Acts - The Darker Side of Mission (Andy Gemmill)
44:2015: Acts - The Shape of Gospel Ministry (Andy Gemmill)
44:2017: Acts - Gospel Without Hindrance (Paul Brennan)
44:2017: Acts - Gospel Without Hindrance (Wednesday) (Paul Brennan)
44:2017: Acts - Two Years in the Life of Paul (Edward Lobb)
44:2018: Acts - Giving us greater certainty (Philip Copeland)
44:2021: Acts - Encouragements to a Young Church (Edward Lobb)
45:2006: Romans - The Gospel according to Romans (Edward Lobb)
45:2007: Romans - No Condemnation (Bob Fyall)
45:2008: Romans - Being Right with God (Edward Lobb)
45:2010: Romans - The Gospel of God (William Philip)
45:2012: Romans - Lives Made New (Edward Lobb)
45:2014: Romans - Fruits of a Great Saviour's Grace (William Philip)
45:2016: Romans - The Spirit of Life (Bob Fyall)
45:2019: Romans - The Gospel of God (2019) (William Philip)
46:2007: 1 Corinthians - After Easter, Always Easter (Bob Fyall)
46:2011: 1 Corinthians - 1 Corinthians: After Easter, Always Easter (Bob Fyall)
46:2015: 1 Corinthians - The Ministry of Death (Andy Gemmill)
46:2015: 1 Corinthians - The World Upside Down: Paul, (Andy Gemmill)
46:2016: 1 Corinthians - The Spiritual Church (Josh Johnston)
46:2019: 1 Corinthians - Truly Spiritual Freedom is Cross-Shaped (Josh Johnston)
46:2020: 1 Corinthians - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
46:2021: 1 Corinthians - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
46:2021: 1 Corinthians - When Weakness Wins (Josh Johnston)
47:2011: 2 Corinthians - How not to Lose Heart (Edward Lobb)
47:2013: 2 Corinthians - The Pastor Who Never Gives Up (Edward Lobb)
48:2005: Galatians (William Philip)
48:2013: Galatians - The ABCs of Galatians (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
48:2015: Galatians - For Freedom! (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
48:2016: Galatians - Galatians: Life in the Awkward Age (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
49:2014: Ephesians - Blessings in Christ (Paul Brennan & Terry McCutcheon)
49:2015: Ephesians - New Humanity In Christ (Terry McCutcheon)
49:2015: Ephesians - The Gospel Made Known (Paul Brennan)
49:2024: Ephesians - The Glorious Fundamentals of the Christian Life (Edward Lobb)
50:2019: Philippians - A Thread Through Philippians (Josh Johnston)
50:2022: Philippians - Strengthening the Resolve of the Church (Edward Lobb)
51:2010: Colossians - Priorities from Paul (Euan Dodds)
51:2013: Colossians - Full. (Rupert Hunt-Taylor & Terry McCutcheon)
51:2013: Colossians - Full. - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (Rupert Hunt-Taylor & Terry McCutcheon)
51:2013: Colossians - Paul teaches the Church how to pray (Edward Lobb)
51:2018: Colossians - Growing in Christ (Sam Parkinson)
52:2008: 1 Thessalonians - A Baby Church Begins to Grow (Edward Lobb)
52:2010: 1 Thessalonians - What it means to be a Christian (Edward Lobb)
52:2021: 1 Thessalonians - Encouragements to a Young Church (Edward Lobb)
53:2009: 2 Thessalonians - Living Faithfully and Waiting Expectantly (Bob Fyall)
53:2017: 2 Thessalonians - Getting the Future Right (Josh Johnston)
54:2005: 1 Timothy - Who'd be a Minister? (Edward Lobb)
54:2013: 1 Timothy - Paul's First Letter to Timothy (Edward Lobb)
54:2016: 1 Timothy - The Church and the Truth (Edward Lobb)
54:2018: 1 Timothy - The Church That Wins the World (William Philip)
55:2005: 2 Timothy - Who'd be a Minister? (Edward Lobb)
55:2011: 2 Timothy - Remember Jesus Christ (Andy Gemmill)
55:2012: 2 Timothy - Stiffening the Church's Spine (Edward Lobb)
55:2015: 2 Timothy - The Normal Preacher (Josh Johnston)
56:2007: Titus - Behaviour that befits the Gospel (Edward Lobb)
56:2015: Titus - Adorning the Doctrine of God (Josh Johnston)
56:2015: Titus - The Good Life (Paul Brennan)
56:2016: Titus - The Gospel Adorning Church (Paul Brennan)
56:2023: Titus - The Profile of a Healthy Church (Edward Lobb)
57:2006: Philemon - Relationship Revolution (William Philip)
57:2018: Philemon - Growing in Christ (Sam Parkinson)
58:2006: Hebrews - 10 Good Reasons for not Giving Up (Edward Lobb)
58:2006: Hebrews - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
58:2007: Hebrews - Faith in a Faithful God (Bob Fyall)
58:2009: Hebrews - God's Final Word (Bob Fyall)
58:2009: Hebrews - The Gospel Changes Everything (Bob Fyall)
58:2014: Hebrews - The Gift of God (Paul Brennan)
58:2015: Hebrews - Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus (Bob Fyall)
58:2015: Hebrews - The Gift of God (Paul Brennan)
58:2019: Hebrews - Jesus Alone, Jesus Forever (William Philip)
59:2010: James - True Christian Faith (Euan Dodds)
59:2013: James - Men Behaving Badly (Andy Gemmill)
60:2012: 1 Peter - Come to Him (Bob Fyall)
60:2013: 1 Peter - The True Grace of God (William Philip)
60:2014: 1 Peter - What is the Church? (William Philip)
60:2020: 1 Peter - What is the Church? (William Philip)
61:2008: 2 Peter - Everything we need until the Lord returns (Bob Fyall)
61:2009: 2 Peter - Living Through The Last Days (William Philip)
61:2016: 2 Peter - A Real Future that Shapes Everything (Josh Johnston)
61:2017: 2 Peter - Growing in Grace and Knowledge (Edward Lobb)
62:2005: 1 John - 1 John (Alex Bedford)
62:2006: 1 John - Living Obediently (Edward Lobb)
62:2007: 1 John - Living Obediently (Edward Lobb)
62:2013: 1 John - The Message of 1 John (Andy Gemmill)
62:2014: 1 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
62:2023: 1 John - Continue (Josh Johnston)
63:2008: 2 John - True Gospel Ministry (Bob Fyall)
63:2011: 2 John - 2 and 3 John (Euan Dodds)
63:2014: 2 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
63:2021: 2 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
63/64:2011: 3 John - 2 and 3 John (Euan Dodds)
64:2008: 3 John - True Gospel Ministry (Bob Fyall)
64:2014: 3 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
64:2021: 3 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
64:2022: 3 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
65:2006: Jude - Will the Western Church survive the 21st century? (William Philip)
65:2013: Jude - An Urgent Task (Paul Brennan)
65:2013: Jude - Contending for the Gospel (Paul Brennan)
65:2019: Jude - Contending for the Faith (Sam Parkinson)
65:2022: Jude - Jude: Beloved and Battling (Paul Brennan)
66:2006: Revelation - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
66:2009: Revelation - Lights shining in the Darkness (Bob Fyall)
66:2010: Revelation - Christ the First Word and the Last Word (Bob Fyall)
66:2014: Revelation - What the Spirit says to the Churches (Bob Fyall)
66:2018: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Paul Brennan)
66:2018: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Wednesday Lunchtime (Paul Brennan)
66:2023: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2005: Why did Jesus come? (Alex Bedford)
Christmas 2005: Why did Jesus come? (William Philip)
Christmas 2006: Ding Ding Merrily (Alex Bedford)
Christmas 2007: What Child is This? (William Philip)
Christmas 2008: Jesus: God's Ultimate Word to Man (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2008: Jesus: God's Ultimate Word to Man (William Philip)
Christmas 2010: What's so Special about Jesus Birth? (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2010: What's so Special about Jesus Birth? (William Philip)
Christmas 2011: What kind of King? (William Philip)
Christmas 2012: The Light of the World (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2012: The Light of the World (William Philip)
Christmas 2013: The True Grace of Christmas (William Philip)
Christmas 2014: Songs for the Saviour's Birth (William Philip)
Christmas 2015: Christ was Born to Save (William Philip)
Christmas 2016: The Promise of Christmas (William Philip)
Christmas 2017: Who is he in yonder stall? (William Philip)
Christmas 2018: God our Saviour made known (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: Festival of Christmas 2019 (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Answer (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: The dark side of Christmas (Andy Ritson)
Christmas 2020: Christmas 2020 (William Philip)
Christmas 2020: Jesus Christ: The Promised Light (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2021: The Greatest Gift (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2021: The Greatest Gift (William Philip)
Christmas 2021: The Light in a Dark World (William Philip)
Christmas 2022: Family Carols 2022 (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2022: The Grace Christmas Brings (William Philip)
Christmas 2023: Songs for the Saviour's Birth (William Philip)
Christmas 2024: The Rune of the Ancient Messenger (William Philip)
Easter 2005: Easter 2005 (Rico Tice)
Easter 2005: Easter 2005 (William Philip)
Easter 2006: Easter 2006 (William Philip)
Easter 2007: Easter 2007 (Alex Bedford)
Easter 2007: Easter 2007 (William Philip)
Easter 2008: Easter 2008 (William Philip)
Easter 2009: Easter 2009 (William Philip)
Easter 2010: Easter 2010 (William Philip)
Easter 2011: Easter 2011 (William Philip)
Easter 2012: Easter 2012 (William Philip)
Easter 2013: Easter 2013 (Bob Fyall)
Easter 2013: Easter 2013 (Edward Lobb)
Easter 2014: Easter 2014 (William Philip)
Easter 2015: Easter 2015 (William Philip)
Easter 2016: Easter 2016 (William Philip)
Easter 2017: Easter 2017 (William Philip)
Easter 2018: Easter 2018 (William Philip)
Easter 2019: Easter 2019 (William Philip)
Easter 2020: Easter 2020 (Edward Lobb)
Easter 2020: Easter 2020 (William Philip)
Easter 2021: Easter 2021 (William Philip)
Easter 2022: The Message of Easter - In Jesus' Own Words (William Philip)
Easter 2023: Our Suffering, Sovereign Saviour (Paul Brennan)
Easter 2023: The Word of the Cross (William Philip)
Easter 2024: The Message of the Cross (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: Always and Together (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: Guidance (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: The Bible on Sex (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: The Ministry of Christian Women (Edward Lobb)
Thematic Series 2006: Why is The World As it is? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: A True Missionary Church (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: Man in the Dock (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: Right Relationships: Love, Sex & Marriage (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2008: No Delusion: The Real God of the Old Testament (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2009: God's Great Questions (Edward Lobb)
Thematic Series 2009: The Why and the How of Gospel Mission (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2009: To You and Your Children (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2010: The Imitation of Christ (Euan Dodds)
Thematic Series 2010: What is a Christian? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2010: Why Do We Pray? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2011: What is the Bible? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2012: Everyday Evangelism (Euan Dodds)
Thematic Series 2012: iWise: The Gospel, the Human Condition (Andy Gemmill)
Thematic Series 2012: What is the Bible? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2014: Aspects of Love (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2017: How We Pray (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2017: What the Bible Says About Being Human (Bob Fyall)
Thematic Series 2018: Walking in Wisdom's Way (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2019: Thinking things through (Andy Ritson)
Thematic Series 2020: From Couch to Crew
Thematic Series 2020: Man in the Dock (Reprise) (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2020: The Importance of Maturity (Philip Copeland)
Thematic Series 2020: To See Love (Josh Johnston)
Thematic Series 2020: Why We Treasure the Bible: (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2021: To You and Your Children (William Philip)
William Philip
Paul Brennan
Philip Copeland
Josh Johnston
Edward Lobb
Alan Purser
Alex Bedford
Alistair Begg
Al Stewart
Andrew Heard
Andrew Sach
Andrew Whitmarsh
Andy Gemmill
Andy Ritson
Bob Fyall
Brian Murray
Craig Dyer
Dale Ralph Davis
Dave Jensen
David Court
David Ely
David Jackman
David McAuley
Dick Lucas
Dominic Fisher
Don Carson
Dr Bob Fyall
Eric Alexander
Euan Dodds
Euan Dodds
Fraser Nicholson
Garry Brotherston
George Philip
Glynn Harrison
Graham Daniels
Isaac Shaw
Jack Drummond
Joel Tay
John Denning
John Piper
Jonathan Aitken
Jon Gemmell
Jonnie Miscampbell
Kerr Sewell
Martin Allen
Nathan Mackay
Nigel Kenny
Patrick Sookhdeo
Paul McFadden
Peter Adam
Peter Dickson
Peter Jensen
Philip Hair
Philip Stewart
Phillip Jensen
Richard Clarke
Richard Cunningham
Richard Gamble
Richard Pratt
Rico Tice
Robin Brough
Rupert Hunt-Taylor
Sam Parkinson
Simon Manchester
Sinclair Ferguson
Stephen Ballingall
Terry McCutcheon
Tim Keller
William Philip (and interviews)
William Philip/Dick Lucas
Individual Sermon
Individual Sermons
Individual Topical Sermons
Interviews and Special Events
Major Series
Short Series
Thematic Series
The Hand of God
Paul Brennan
Nehemiah 2:1-20
16:2025:Nehemiah - Bu…
23rd March 2025
The End of the Beginning
William Philip
Genesis 50:15-26
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
23rd March 2025
Servants Who Serve God’s Purposes
Paul Brennan
Nehemiah 1:1-11
16:2025:Nehemiah - Bu…
16th March 2025
Our True Comfort in Life and Death
William Philip
Genesis 49:28-50:14
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
16th March 2025
Windows into Wonders to Come
William Philip
Genesis 49:1-28
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
9th March 2025
A Kingdom Full of Joy
Josh Johnston
Luke 15:1-16:13
42:2023 Luke - Salvat…
9th March 2025
The Blessing of God Almighty
William Philip
Genesis 48:1-22
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
2nd March 2025
Gospel Unstoppable
Paul Brennan
Acts 28:14-31
2nd March 2025
Strangers in a Strange Land
William Philip
Genesis 46:28-47:31
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
23rd February 2025
The Economy of Grace
William Philip
Luke 14:7-15:2
42:2023 Luke - Salvat…
23rd February 2025
The God of Help and Hope
William Philip
Genesis 45:16-46:27
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
16th February 2025
An Open Door, but the Only Door
Josh Johnston
Luke 13:22-14:6
42:2023 Luke - Salvat…
16th February 2025
Hope in Spite of Faithlessness
Paul Brennan
Ezra 9:1-15
15:2024 Ezra - Buildi…
9th February 2025
Faithful Living in Light of Eternity
Fraser Nicholson
Psalm 37:1-40
9th February 2025
God’s Great Provision in Great Adventures of Faith
Paul Brennan
Ezra 8:1-36
15:2024 Ezra - Buildi…
2nd February 2025
A Revealing Reconciliation
William Philip
Genesis 44:1-45:15
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
2nd February 2025
God's Prescription for a Backslidden Church
Paul Brennan
Ezra 7:1-28
15:2024 Ezra - Buildi…
26th January 2025
The Painful and Perplexing Path from Famine to Feasting
William Philip
Genesis 43:1-34
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
26th January 2025
The Lord Who Turns the Hearts of Kings
Paul Brennan
Ezra 5:1-6:22
15:2024 Ezra - Buildi…
19th January 2025
Shattered Family, Saving Famine
William Philip
Genesis 42:1-38
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
19th January 2025
The Fragrant Fruit of God's Spirit
William Philip
Genesis 41:1-57
01:2022: Genesis - Go…
12th January 2025
The Urgent Importance of Repentance
Josh Johnston
Luke 12:54-13:21
42:2023 Luke - Salvat…
12th January 2025
Gladness in Your Sovereign and Steadfast Goodness
Joel Tay
Psalm 92:1-15
5th January 2025
The Central Importance of Rendering our Riches to Jesus
Josh Johnston
Luke 12:13-53
42:2023 Luke - Salvat…
5th January 2025