01:2007: Genesis - Gospel Beginnings (2007) (William Philip)
01:2009: Genesis - Hope for a Hopeless World (Bob Fyall)
01:2018: Genesis - Know the truth. (Philip Copeland)
01:2018: Genesis - The faith of our father (Philip Copeland)
01:2022: Genesis - Gospel Beginnings (2022) (William Philip)
02:2008: Exodus - Be not afraid! (William Philip)
03:2008: Leviticus - Too Hot to Handle (Bob Fyall)
03:2022: Leviticus - Living at One with the Lord of Life (Stephen Ballingall)
04:2014: Numbers - Good Start But...! (Paul Brennan)
04:2017: Numbers - In the Wilderness (Edward Lobb)
05:2008: Deuteronomy - Flee Idolatory - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (William Philip)
05:2010: Deuteronomy - Flee Idolatry! (William Philip)
05:2017: Deuteronomy - Living in (Amazing) Graceland (William Philip)
06:2014: Joshua - Joshua: Covenant and Conquest (Josh Johnston)
06:2016: Joshua - Great is Thy Faithfulness (Paul Brennan)
07:2014: Judges - The Nation Without a King (Edward Lobb)
08:2005: Ruth - A Surprising Welcome into God's family (Alex Bedford)
08:2016: Ruth - There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (Bob Fyall)
08:2019: Ruth - The Gospel According to Ruth (Philip Copeland)
08:2022: Ruth - Jesus Chooses His Ancestors (Jon Gemmell)
09/10:2011: 1&2 Samuel - God's Flawed but Faithful Servant (Bob Fyall)
09:2006: 1 Samuel - 1 Samuel (Bob Fyall)
09:2006: 1 Samuel - Never Underestimate the God of the Bible (William Philip)
09:2018: 1 Samuel - Raiders of the Lost Ark: (William Philip)
09:2019: 1 Samuel - The Rocky Road to Kingship (Andy Ritson)
09:2019: 1 Samuel - Towards a Turnaround (Andy Ritson)
10:2008: 2 Samuel - David: Flawed but Faithful (Bob Fyall)
11:2008: 1 Kings - Faithful God - Fickle People (Bob Fyall)
11:2008: 1 Kings - Faithful God - Fickle People (Dr Bob Fyall)
11:2009: 1 Kings - Elijah - God's Messenger for Difficult Times (Bob Fyall)
11:2009: 1 Kings - Elisha - God Carries On His Work (Bob Fyall)
11:2014: 1 Kings - Men Behaving Badly (Andy Gemmill)
11:2022: 1 Kings 1-11 - Glimpse of Glory
11:2023: 1 & 2 Kings - Dismal Kings in the Divided Kingdom. (Philip Copeland)
12:2009: 2 Kings - Elijah - God's Messenger for Difficult Times (Bob Fyall)
12:2009: 2 Kings - Elisha - God Carries On His Work (Bob Fyall)
12:2014: 2 Kings - Salvation Belongs to the LORD (Andy Gemmill)
13:2018: 1 Chronicles - Our Covenant God (William Philip)
14:2014: 2 Chronicles - Chronicles of a Forgotten Hero (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
14:2019: 2 Chronicles - Roadmap to Blessing (Josh Johnston)
15:2016: Ezra - Ezra, Teacher of the Words of God (Edward Lobb)
15:2024 Ezra - Building for Eternity (Paul Brennan)
16:2009: Nehemiah - The Old Testament in under an Hour (Euan Dodds)
16:2016: Nehemiah - Battling Builders for the Kingdom of God (William Philip)
16:2025:Nehemiah - Building for Eternity (Paul Brennan)
17:2018: Esther - The Hidden Empire Strikes Back (Paul Brennan)
18:2006: Job - Towards an understanding of Christian suffering (Edward Lobb)
18:2021: Job - Job: A Merciful Lord (Philip Copeland)
19:2004: Psalms - Psalms: Theology in the Raw (William Philip)
19:2007: Psalms - Read your Bible (Edward Lobb)
19:2008: Psalms - God is Great and God is Good (Bob Fyall)
19:2008: Psalms - Safe only in the City of God (William Philip)
19:2008: Psalms - The God we cannot Escape (Bob Fyall)
19:2009: Psalms - The Forerunner of Christ (Edward Lobb)
19:2009: Psalms - Under the Shepherd's Rule (Edward Lobb)
19:2010: Psalms - Songs for Climbers (Bob Fyall)
19:2010: Psalms - The Real Christian Life (William Philip)
19:2011: Psalms - The God who is in control (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Encouraging Songs for Discouraging Times (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Praising His Name (Bob Fyall)
19:2012: Psalms - Rebel Songs: The Sons of Korah (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
19:2013: Psalms - Past, Present and Future (Edward Lobb)
19:2013: Psalms - Songs of God's People (William Philip)
19:2014: Psalms - Happiness, Faith and Restoration (Paul Brennan)
19:2014: Psalms - The God of our Salvation (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - God of Grace and Holiness (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - Songs for All Seasons (Bob Fyall)
19:2015: Psalms - Songs on the Road (Edward Lobb)
19:2015: Psalms - The Truth about .... (William Philip)
19:2016: Psalms - Praise in the End (Bob Fyall)
19:2016: Psalms - Under the Shepherd's Rule (Edward Lobb)
19:2018: Psalms - Real Faith in the Present World (Paul Brennan)
19:2018: Psalms - Songs of David (Edward Lobb)
19:2018: Psalms - The Bittersweet Songs of Israel (Edward Lobb)
19:2019: Psalms - Real Christianity (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - Safety and Security (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - The Key to Life (William Philip)
19:2019: Psalms - The Whole Heart and the Hesitant Heart (Edward Lobb)
19:2022: Psalms - Songs for the Lord's Servants (Philip Copeland)
19:2024: Psalms - In the Waiting Room (Andrew Whitmarsh)
20:2010: Proverbs - The Wisdom of Solomon (Edward Lobb)
20:2011: Proverbs - The Words of the Wise are like Goads (Edward Lobb)
20:2020: Proverbs - Get Wisdom for Life (Paul Brennan)
20:2021: Proverbs - Themes for Life in Proverbs (Paul Brennan)
21:2007: Ecclesiastes - Baffled, Believing & Blessed (William Philip)
21:2011: Ecclesiastes - Finding Joy on Life's Journey (William Philip)
21:2018: Ecclesiastes - Shining-faced Faith (William Philip)
21:2021: Ecclesiastes - Venturesome Joy on Life's Vexed Journey (William Philip)
23:2008: Isaiah - God is calling us (Bob Fyall)
23:2008: Isaiah - Is Our God Big Enough? (Bob Fyall)
23:2008: Isaiah - The Servant Whose Death Destroys Death (Bob Fyall)
23:2010: Isaiah - A new kind of politics (Bob Fyall)
23:2010: Isaiah - Seeing the world as God sees it (Bob Fyall)
23:2013: Isaiah - A Tale of Two Vineyards (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
23:2014: Isaiah - God's Kingdom will Come (Bob Fyall)
23:2016: Isaiah - Zion's Fall and Rise (Bob Fyall)
23:2019: Isaiah - Behold Your God! (Philip Copeland)
24:2012: Jeremiah - Jeremiah, the prophet of the costly new covenant (Bob Fyall)
25:2011: Lamentations - A New Year's Lament (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
26:2011: Ezekiel - Unrequited love: A tragedy in four acts (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
26:2023: Ezekiel - The Nations Will Know That I Am the Lord-God’s Glory Revealed in Judgment, and Hope (William Philip)
27:2006: Daniel - Winds of War (William Philip)
27:2018: Daniel - Three Kings Confronted (Paul Brennan)
27:2019: Daniel - A Tale of Two Cities (Paul Brennan)
27:2019: Daniel - Behind the Curtain of the World (David Ely)
27:2022: Daniel - God Reigns (Paul Brennan)
28:2015: Hosea - God's Casual Lovers (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
29:2018: Joel - A Listened-To Message! (Sam Parkinson)
29:2021: Joel - A Message for All Generations (David Ely)
30:2015: Amos - The Roaring of the Lion (Edward Lobb)
32:2008: Jonah - Learning the Hard Way (Edward Lobb)
32:2014: Jonah - Right to be Angry? (Andy Gemmill)
32:2014: Jonah - Salvation Belongs to the LORD (Andy Gemmill)
32:2017: Jonah - Lessons to be Learnt (Sundays) (Andy Ritson)
32:2017: Jonah - Lessons to be Learnt (Wednesdays) (Andy Ritson)
33:2008: Micah - Prophets Foretold Him (Dr Bob Fyall)
33:2020: Micah - The Covenant God and His Covenant Breaking People (Stephen Ballingall)
34:2023: Nahum - Comfort in God's Judgement (Josh Johnston)
35:2007: Habakkuk - Is God Still in Control? (Bob Fyall)
35:2018: Habakkuk - The Way of the Righteous (Philip Copeland)
36:2007: Zephaniah - God will be God and the world will know it (Bob Fyall)
37:2016: Haggai - Building for God's Glory (Terry McCutcheon)
37:2018: Haggai - The Temple of Greater Glory (Josh Johnston)
39:2008: Malachi - Prophets Foretold Him (Bob Fyall)
39:2009: Malachi - Malachi: The People who have Grown Tired of God (Edward Lobb)
39:2017: Malachi - Living God's Love (Paul Brennan)
40:2004: Matthew - The Gospel of the King (William Philip)
40:2005: Matthew - Two Parables (Alex Bedford)
40:2005: Matthew - What Kind of Birth is this (William Philip)
40:2006: Matthew - The Gospel of the King (William Philip)
40:2008: Matthew - There's No-one like Jesus (Edward Lobb)
40:2012: Matthew - Missionary Ambassadors of Christ (William Philip)
40:2014: Matthew - The Subversive Kingdom (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
40:2015: Matthew - Christ's Radical Kingdom (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The Kingdom Advances (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The King's Suffering and Glory (Bob Fyall)
40:2016: Matthew - The Revolutionary Kingdom of Christ (William Philip)
40:2016: Matthew - Why bother with Jesus this Christmas? (Paul Brennan)
40:2017: Matthew - The Kingdom Advancing (Bob Fyall)
40:2017: Matthew - Three Women Who Saved Christmas (Paul Brennan)
40:2017: Matthew - Who is Jesus? (Philip Copeland)
40:2018: Matthew - God's Kingdom (Andy Ritson)
40:2019: Matthew - The Passion of Christ (William Philip)
40:2019: Matthew - Who is Jesus? (Philip Copeland)
40:2020: Matthew - The Transforming Joy of Jesus the King (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Jesus is Lord of All (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Real Kingdom Witness: (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - The Way That Divides (William Philip)
40:2021: Matthew - Understanding Jesus and His Household (William Philip)
40:2022: Matthew - Jesus is Judge of All: Preparing for Judgment (William Philip)
41:2006: Mark - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
41:2011: Mark - Mark: The Son of God (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2011: Mark - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
41:2012: Mark - Mark 3: The Shape of Things to Come (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
41:2012: Mark - The Heart of the Matter (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2015: Mark - Preparing for the Cross (Paul Brennan)
41:2015: Mark - The Message of the Cross (Terry McCutcheon)
41:2017: Mark - What did Jesus come to do? (Josh Johnston)
41:2018: Mark - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
42:2007: Luke - The Reasons for Christmas (Edward Lobb)
42:2008: Luke - Joy to the World: (William Philip)
42:2009: Luke - The First Christmas (Dr Euan Dodds)
42:2009: Luke - The First Christmas (Euan Dodds)
42:2009: Luke - Why did Jesus come? (Edward Lobb)
42:2010: Luke - Meet Jesus: (Alex Bedford)
42:2011: Luke - What must I do to inherit eternal life? (Euan Dodds)
42:2012: Luke - A Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord (Bob Fyall)
42:2012: Luke - Storming the citadel (Edward Lobb)
42:2012: Luke - Warnings on the Way (Andy Gemmill)
42:2013: Luke - Preparing the Way of the Lord (Bob Fyall)
42:2013: Luke - Songs for the Coming Saviour (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
42:2013: Luke - The Saviour's Kingdom Grows (Bob Fyall)
42:2014: Luke - Our Certain Salvation (William Philip)
42:2015: Luke - The Faith That Saves (William Philip)
42:2018: Luke - Christmas According to Dr Luke: (Paul Brennan)
42:2019: Luke - Are you preparing for Eternity? (William Philip)
42:2019: Luke - The Gospel for Everyone (Sam Parkinson)
42:2023 Luke - Salvation Enters the World Stage (Josh Johnston)
43:2004: John - The Challenge of a Heart Response To God (William Philip)
43:2006: John - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
43:2006: John - Light shines in Darkness (William Philip)
43:2007: John - The High Priestly Prayer (Edward Lobb)
43:2007: John - The Reasons for Christmas (Edward Lobb)
43:2009: John - Why did Jesus come? (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - How to be a persevering Christian (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - Jesus equips His Troops (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - The Saviour (Edward Lobb)
43:2010: John - The Work of the Holy Spirit (Edward Lobb)
43:2011: John - John: The Crisis Approaches (Edward Lobb)
43:2011: John - John: The Death of the Son of God (Edward Lobb)
43:2012: John - Reasons for Believing (Edward Lobb)
43:2012: John - The Amazing Son (Andy Gemmill)
43:2013: John - The Glory of the Cross (William Philip)
43:2014: John - The Death of Jesus (Edward Lobb)
43:2016: John - Encounters with Jesus (Andy Ritson)
43:2016: John - The Lord's Prayer (Richard Gamble)
43:2018: John - Real Christianity (Sam Parkinson)
43:2018: John - The Truth Behind the Facts (Edward Lobb)
43:2019: John - Preparing the Church for Mission (Philip Copeland)
43:2019: John - The Crisis Approaches (Edward Lobb)
43:2019: John - The Gospel of John - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (Multiple)
43:2021: John - The Way to Eternal Life (Edward Lobb)
43:2023: John - The I AM Sayings (Edward Lobb)
44:2006: Acts - The Pattern of an Apostolic Church (William Philip)
44:2006: Acts - The Pentecostal Church (Edward Lobb)
44:2007: Acts - Can we know the Unknown God? (Bob Fyall)
44:2008: Acts - The Certain, Unstoppable Kingdom of Jesus (William Philip)
44:2009: Acts - Paul at Athens (Edward Lobb)
44:2012: Acts - Pentecost (Alex Bedford)
44:2012: Acts - The Darker Side of Mission (Andy Gemmill)
44:2015: Acts - The Shape of Gospel Ministry (Andy Gemmill)
44:2017: Acts - Gospel Without Hindrance (Paul Brennan)
44:2017: Acts - Gospel Without Hindrance (Wednesday) (Paul Brennan)
44:2017: Acts - Two Years in the Life of Paul (Edward Lobb)
44:2018: Acts - Giving us greater certainty (Philip Copeland)
44:2021: Acts - Encouragements to a Young Church (Edward Lobb)
45:2006: Romans - The Gospel according to Romans (Edward Lobb)
45:2007: Romans - No Condemnation (Bob Fyall)
45:2008: Romans - Being Right with God (Edward Lobb)
45:2010: Romans - The Gospel of God (William Philip)
45:2012: Romans - Lives Made New (Edward Lobb)
45:2014: Romans - Fruits of a Great Saviour's Grace (William Philip)
45:2016: Romans - The Spirit of Life (Bob Fyall)
45:2019: Romans - The Gospel of God (2019) (William Philip)
46:2007: 1 Corinthians - After Easter, Always Easter (Bob Fyall)
46:2011: 1 Corinthians - 1 Corinthians: After Easter, Always Easter (Bob Fyall)
46:2015: 1 Corinthians - The Ministry of Death (Andy Gemmill)
46:2015: 1 Corinthians - The World Upside Down: Paul, (Andy Gemmill)
46:2016: 1 Corinthians - The Spiritual Church (Josh Johnston)
46:2019: 1 Corinthians - Truly Spiritual Freedom is Cross-Shaped (Josh Johnston)
46:2020: 1 Corinthians - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
46:2021: 1 Corinthians - Dying to Live (Josh Johnston)
46:2021: 1 Corinthians - When Weakness Wins (Josh Johnston)
47:2011: 2 Corinthians - How not to Lose Heart (Edward Lobb)
47:2013: 2 Corinthians - The Pastor Who Never Gives Up (Edward Lobb)
48:2005: Galatians (William Philip)
48:2013: Galatians - The ABCs of Galatians (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
48:2015: Galatians - For Freedom! (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
48:2016: Galatians - Galatians: Life in the Awkward Age (Rupert Hunt-Taylor)
49:2014: Ephesians - Blessings in Christ (Paul Brennan & Terry McCutcheon)
49:2015: Ephesians - New Humanity In Christ (Terry McCutcheon)
49:2015: Ephesians - The Gospel Made Known (Paul Brennan)
49:2024: Ephesians - The Glorious Fundamentals of the Christian Life (Edward Lobb)
50:2019: Philippians - A Thread Through Philippians (Josh Johnston)
50:2022: Philippians - Strengthening the Resolve of the Church (Edward Lobb)
51:2010: Colossians - Priorities from Paul (Euan Dodds)
51:2013: Colossians - Full. (Rupert Hunt-Taylor & Terry McCutcheon)
51:2013: Colossians - Full. - Wednesday Lunchtime Talks (Rupert Hunt-Taylor & Terry McCutcheon)
51:2013: Colossians - Paul teaches the Church how to pray (Edward Lobb)
51:2018: Colossians - Growing in Christ (Sam Parkinson)
52:2008: 1 Thessalonians - A Baby Church Begins to Grow (Edward Lobb)
52:2010: 1 Thessalonians - What it means to be a Christian (Edward Lobb)
52:2021: 1 Thessalonians - Encouragements to a Young Church (Edward Lobb)
53:2009: 2 Thessalonians - Living Faithfully and Waiting Expectantly (Bob Fyall)
53:2017: 2 Thessalonians - Getting the Future Right (Josh Johnston)
54:2005: 1 Timothy - Who'd be a Minister? (Edward Lobb)
54:2013: 1 Timothy - Paul's First Letter to Timothy (Edward Lobb)
54:2016: 1 Timothy - The Church and the Truth (Edward Lobb)
54:2018: 1 Timothy - The Church That Wins the World (William Philip)
55:2005: 2 Timothy - Who'd be a Minister? (Edward Lobb)
55:2011: 2 Timothy - Remember Jesus Christ (Andy Gemmill)
55:2012: 2 Timothy - Stiffening the Church's Spine (Edward Lobb)
55:2015: 2 Timothy - The Normal Preacher (Josh Johnston)
56:2007: Titus - Behaviour that befits the Gospel (Edward Lobb)
56:2015: Titus - Adorning the Doctrine of God (Josh Johnston)
56:2015: Titus - The Good Life (Paul Brennan)
56:2016: Titus - The Gospel Adorning Church (Paul Brennan)
56:2023: Titus - The Profile of a Healthy Church (Edward Lobb)
57:2006: Philemon - Relationship Revolution (William Philip)
57:2018: Philemon - Growing in Christ (Sam Parkinson)
58:2006: Hebrews - 10 Good Reasons for not Giving Up (Edward Lobb)
58:2006: Hebrews - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
58:2007: Hebrews - Faith in a Faithful God (Bob Fyall)
58:2009: Hebrews - God's Final Word (Bob Fyall)
58:2009: Hebrews - The Gospel Changes Everything (Bob Fyall)
58:2014: Hebrews - The Gift of God (Paul Brennan)
58:2015: Hebrews - Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus (Bob Fyall)
58:2015: Hebrews - The Gift of God (Paul Brennan)
58:2019: Hebrews - Jesus Alone, Jesus Forever (William Philip)
59:2010: James - True Christian Faith (Euan Dodds)
59:2013: James - Men Behaving Badly (Andy Gemmill)
60:2012: 1 Peter - Come to Him (Bob Fyall)
60:2013: 1 Peter - The True Grace of God (William Philip)
60:2014: 1 Peter - What is the Church? (William Philip)
60:2020: 1 Peter - What is the Church? (William Philip)
61:2008: 2 Peter - Everything we need until the Lord returns (Bob Fyall)
61:2009: 2 Peter - Living Through The Last Days (William Philip)
61:2016: 2 Peter - A Real Future that Shapes Everything (Josh Johnston)
61:2017: 2 Peter - Growing in Grace and Knowledge (Edward Lobb)
62:2005: 1 John - 1 John (Alex Bedford)
62:2006: 1 John - Living Obediently (Edward Lobb)
62:2007: 1 John - Living Obediently (Edward Lobb)
62:2013: 1 John - The Message of 1 John (Andy Gemmill)
62:2014: 1 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
62:2023: 1 John - Continue (Josh Johnston)
63:2008: 2 John - True Gospel Ministry (Bob Fyall)
63:2011: 2 John - 2 and 3 John (Euan Dodds)
63:2014: 2 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
63:2021: 2 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
63/64:2011: 3 John - 2 and 3 John (Euan Dodds)
64:2008: 3 John - True Gospel Ministry (Bob Fyall)
64:2014: 3 John - Letters of John (Terry McCutcheon)
64:2021: 3 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
64:2022: 3 John - When To Welcome and When Not to Welcome (Josh Johnston)
65:2006: Jude - Will the Western Church survive the 21st century? (William Philip)
65:2013: Jude - An Urgent Task (Paul Brennan)
65:2013: Jude - Contending for the Gospel (Paul Brennan)
65:2019: Jude - Contending for the Faith (Sam Parkinson)
65:2022: Jude - Jude: Beloved and Battling (Paul Brennan)
66:2006: Revelation - Christ - the Fulfilment of the Law and the Prophet (Edward Lobb)
66:2009: Revelation - Lights shining in the Darkness (Bob Fyall)
66:2010: Revelation - Christ the First Word and the Last Word (Bob Fyall)
66:2014: Revelation - What the Spirit says to the Churches (Bob Fyall)
66:2018: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Paul Brennan)
66:2018: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Wednesday Lunchtime (Paul Brennan)
66:2023: Revelation - The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2005: Why did Jesus come? (Alex Bedford)
Christmas 2005: Why did Jesus come? (William Philip)
Christmas 2006: Ding Ding Merrily (Alex Bedford)
Christmas 2007: What Child is This? (William Philip)
Christmas 2008: Jesus: God's Ultimate Word to Man (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2008: Jesus: God's Ultimate Word to Man (William Philip)
Christmas 2010: What's so Special about Jesus Birth? (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2010: What's so Special about Jesus Birth? (William Philip)
Christmas 2011: What kind of King? (William Philip)
Christmas 2012: The Light of the World (Bob Fyall)
Christmas 2012: The Light of the World (William Philip)
Christmas 2013: The True Grace of Christmas (William Philip)
Christmas 2014: Songs for the Saviour's Birth (William Philip)
Christmas 2015: Christ was Born to Save (William Philip)
Christmas 2016: The Promise of Christmas (William Philip)
Christmas 2017: Who is he in yonder stall? (William Philip)
Christmas 2018: God our Saviour made known (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: Festival of Christmas 2019 (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Answer (William Philip)
Christmas 2019: The dark side of Christmas (Andy Ritson)
Christmas 2020: Christmas 2020 (William Philip)
Christmas 2020: Jesus Christ: The Promised Light (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2021: The Greatest Gift (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2021: The Greatest Gift (William Philip)
Christmas 2021: The Light in a Dark World (William Philip)
Christmas 2022: Family Carols 2022 (Paul Brennan)
Christmas 2022: The Grace Christmas Brings (William Philip)
Christmas 2023: Songs for the Saviour's Birth (William Philip)
Christmas 2024: The Rune of the Ancient Messenger (William Philip)
Easter 2005: Easter 2005 (Rico Tice)
Easter 2005: Easter 2005 (William Philip)
Easter 2006: Easter 2006 (William Philip)
Easter 2007: Easter 2007 (Alex Bedford)
Easter 2007: Easter 2007 (William Philip)
Easter 2008: Easter 2008 (William Philip)
Easter 2009: Easter 2009 (William Philip)
Easter 2010: Easter 2010 (William Philip)
Easter 2011: Easter 2011 (William Philip)
Easter 2012: Easter 2012 (William Philip)
Easter 2013: Easter 2013 (Bob Fyall)
Easter 2013: Easter 2013 (Edward Lobb)
Easter 2014: Easter 2014 (William Philip)
Easter 2015: Easter 2015 (William Philip)
Easter 2016: Easter 2016 (William Philip)
Easter 2017: Easter 2017 (William Philip)
Easter 2018: Easter 2018 (William Philip)
Easter 2019: Easter 2019 (William Philip)
Easter 2020: Easter 2020 (Edward Lobb)
Easter 2020: Easter 2020 (William Philip)
Easter 2021: Easter 2021 (William Philip)
Easter 2022: The Message of Easter - In Jesus' Own Words (William Philip)
Easter 2023: Our Suffering, Sovereign Saviour (Paul Brennan)
Easter 2023: The Word of the Cross (William Philip)
Easter 2024: The Message of the Cross (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: Always and Together (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: Guidance (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: The Bible on Sex (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2005: The Ministry of Christian Women (Edward Lobb)
Thematic Series 2006: Why is The World As it is? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: A True Missionary Church (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: Man in the Dock (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2007: Right Relationships: Love, Sex & Marriage (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2008: No Delusion: The Real God of the Old Testament (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2009: God's Great Questions (Edward Lobb)
Thematic Series 2009: The Why and the How of Gospel Mission (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2009: To You and Your Children (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2010: The Imitation of Christ (Euan Dodds)
Thematic Series 2010: What is a Christian? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2010: Why Do We Pray? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2011: What is the Bible? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2012: Everyday Evangelism (Euan Dodds)
Thematic Series 2012: iWise: The Gospel, the Human Condition (Andy Gemmill)
Thematic Series 2012: What is the Bible? (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2014: Aspects of Love (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2017: How We Pray (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2017: What the Bible Says About Being Human (Bob Fyall)
Thematic Series 2018: Walking in Wisdom's Way (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2019: Thinking things through (Andy Ritson)
Thematic Series 2020: From Couch to Crew
Thematic Series 2020: Man in the Dock (Reprise) (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2020: The Importance of Maturity (Philip Copeland)
Thematic Series 2020: To See Love (Josh Johnston)
Thematic Series 2020: Why We Treasure the Bible: (William Philip)
Thematic Series 2021: To You and Your Children (William Philip)